Thursday, April 17, 2008

Organizing our communication

Communication is very important in our lives. We communicate with the people around us every day whether it's in our house or work place. Many times communication break down or mis communication cause much problems in our relationship.

Christian communication is important as well when we want to communicate God's love to others. God communicate His love clearly to us and as His children we should able to communicate well with others. Good communication helps us to relate well with others. Well communication can empower us just like the story of the tower of Babel in the Bible (Genesis 11:1-6). There may be different forms, methods and tools of communication. If we can understand the communication process, it can help us to communicate better.

The communication process
  • Transmission - the person who transit the message is the source of the information. If we don't transmit or transit badly then there would be problem in communication.
  • Reception - Every communication need to have a receiver. You may say something but the receiver didn't received it. Hearing is a very important part in communication.
  • Understanding - Interpretation of the message is important. Different people with different background might understand the message differently.
  • Respond - Good communication got to be 2 way. That is why the response is important. Effective communication will provoke a response.

Let us learn to communicate well with our brothers and sisters in church to avoid and prevent misunderstanding due to bad communication. We also allow the grace of God to work in us as we learn from our mistakes. God communicate His word through the bible and become alive in us with the conviction of the Holy Spirit so that we may received and respond to His message. Most important of all we want to communicate His message of salvation to those who don't know Jesus yet.

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